Legal and technical aspects of the inclusion of the gesut database in the 3D cadastral system
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University of Agriculture in Krakow Department of Geodesy
Submission date: 2022-05-30
Final revision date: 2022-06-23
Acceptance date: 2022-07-26
Publication date: 2022-09-30
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Magdalena Jurkiewicz   

University of Agriculture in Krakow Department of Geodesy
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2022;(3)
The inclusion of information on utility networks and facilities into three-dimensional cadastres has been discussed for years. The concept of cadastre has changed its meaning from a traditional form of a legal and fiscal register to a three-dimensional multitasking system that combines data on real estate obtained from various spatial databases. This shift follows the development of construction technology and increasingly complex design of buildings and structures as well as related networks and technical equipment. Due to the increasing densification of infrastructure networks, a 2D plane representation cannot guarantee that their full management potential is reached. The lack of complete, reliable information on the location of cables, especially those underground, is causing many accidents and network damage, which have serious financial costs. Therefore, it seems appropriate to include information on the layout of the utilities infrastructure in the 3D cadastre, which would complement the relevant property data. The paper aims to analyse Polish legislation regarding the possibility of including network objects and utilities in the 3D cadastre. In the Polish context, these objects are registered in the utilities network database (GESUT). Thus, the analysis covered the legal acts relating to the functioning of that database. In addition, the technical possibilities of converting data from the existing two-dimensional GESUT database to its 3D form were analysed on the ground of existing research studies.
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