Information clause
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Instructions to the authors (2024)
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape (GLL) journal accepts only original English-language scientific papers relating to all aspects of spatial and environmental processes.
Preparation of the manuscript
- Text volume: manuscript cannot exceed 12 pages (A-4 format), including tables and illustrations. The text should be written in 12-point font (Times New Roman), with line spacing of 1.5 cm, and 2.5 cm margins on each side.
- Tables and illustrations: they must not be larger than 12.5 × 19.5 cm (format B-5). The tables should contain only relevant data with relevant statistical figures. Avoid repeating the results presented elsewhere in the body of text (e.g. charts). Each table with the accompanying heading, and each drawing identified by a number, must be described separately. Tables and drawings should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.
- Template:
Title: concise, corresponding to the content.
Authors: In the multi-author paper, the order of names proposed by the authors is adopted.
At the bottom of the last page, provide first and last names, place(s) of work, e-mail address(es), ORCID, and full postal address(es) of all the authors who are submitting the article.
Abstract: a short summary (200–250 words) of the problem, containing basic information about the objective, methods, results, and main conclusions.
Keywords: up to a maximum of 6 words or phrases related to the main topic of the article.
Main body of the article: the text should consist of the following parts: introduction, subject of and methodology of the research, results, summary and conclusions. The objective of the research should be specified in the introduction.
References to literature: quotations in the text should be described in Latin alphabet with the author’s name and the year of publication, e.g. [Kowal 2000, Kowal and Nowak 2000, Baran et al. 2007]. The cited publications are to be listed at the end of the article according to the following standard:
- Ergenzinger P.E., de Jong C., Christaller G., 1994. Interrelationships between bedload transfer and river-bed adjustment in mountain rivers: an example from Squaw Creek, Montana. [In:] Process models and theoretical geomorphology. Ed. M.J. Kirkby. John Wiley & Sons New York, 141–158.
- Oliver M., Webster R., 1986. Semi-variograms for modelling the spatial pattern of landform and soil properties. Earth Surf. Proc. Landforms 11, 45–60.
- Rodrigo F.S., 2002. Changes in climate variability and seasonal rainfall extremes: a case study from San Fernando (Spain), 1821–2000. Theor. Appl. Climatol 72, 193–207.
- Young C.E. Jr., Klaiwitter R.A., 1968. Hydrology of wetland forest watersheds. Proceedings of the CUCOH Hydrological Conference, Clemson University, 28–29 March 1968, 29–38.
Bibliographic entries are given in Latin transcription (we do not use Cyrillic).
The GLL editorial team recommends that authors use the following bibliography and citation management programs: EndNote or Mendeley. - Units: SI units should be used in the article. Complex units should be presented in the form of a product e.g. g·dm-3 (rather than g/dm3).
Publishing process
- Authors should submit an electronic version of the article to the GLL magazine using the Editorial System. Internet domain for the system is:
- Each article is reviewed by two reviewers, experts in the given field. One of the reviewers is from outside the scientific unit the author of the publication is affiliated with.
- Information about the authors and reviewers is not shared with either of the parties during the review process (it is a double-blind review).
- The list of reviewers is published on the journal’s website and in the last issue of a given year, or in the first issue of the following year.
- The reviews, along with the manuscript containing corrections to the article, are available after logging in to the Editorial System.
- The review form, which is filled out by the reviewer during the paper review process, is available on the journal’s website.
- In cases where the article is returned to the author for correction, it must be corrected and sent to the publisher in an electronic version within 5 days. Otherwise the article will be considered withdrawn by the author. The author will be notified via the Editorial System if and when the publication is accepted.
- The authors are required to submit a formal statement on the transfer of copyright, and a declaration that the article has not been previously published, is not currently prepared for publication in another journal, and that after being accepted for publication it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written consent of the publisher.
- The responsibility for obtaining permission from the copyright owner to reproduce any copyrighted illustrations rests with the authors of the article.
- The authors are required to disclose any information on the sources of funding for the research presented in the scientific paper submitted for publication in the GLL journal.
- The final version of the article will be sent to the author for approval in electronic format. The publisher reserves the right to introduce abbreviations and/or corrections in the text.
- The final version of the article should be returned to the publisher within 48 hours of receipt. Changes to the text should be limited to factual or typographical errors.
- Each author will receive one copy of the journal’s issue.
- Since 2018, a fee is charged for printing the articles in the GLL journal. View more