Journal Policy

  • The scientific journal is a quarterly publication. Four issues are published a year, once a quarter. Individual issues of the quarterly are published on the following dates: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 30.
  • It is an open-access licence journal, offering free access to full texts of all the publications via website. All articles are made available according to Creative Commons CC BY-NC licence.
  • GLL is an open access journal as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative.
  • The journal applies a clear archiving policy, which involves storing each issue of the journal in the URK Editorial Office and Publishing House. Moreover, all issues of the magazine are transferred by the Agricultural University Publishing House to libraries in Poland on the basis of the Act of November 7, 1996 on compulsory library copies.
  • The electronic version of articles published by GLL is archived on the Bentus company server (Bentus Web Technologies) via the Journals System application.
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