The description and comparative analysis of chosen tools automatizing the process of creating interactive maps of spatial objects
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie Katedra Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Architektury Krajobrazu, Poland
Publication date: 2015-09-30
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2015;(3)
Spatial data services play an increasing role in the exchange of information. !e universal use of databases and digital cartographic resources has become possible thanks to the accessibility of computer tools and techniques, which until recently were reserved for small group of professional users. !e goal of the study is a characteristic and comparative analysis of some tools of automatizing the creation process of personalized, interactive digital maps. !e chosen web applications offered by some web mapping services have been tested. !e analysis showed that the tested tools are relatively easy to use and do not require a specialist knowledge about geoinformatics. However their limited functionality means that only simple maps with numerous limitations can be created.
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