Conception of a touristic map and nature protection forms created with use of open data sources and free software on a Grybów commune example
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie Katedra Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Architektury Krajobrazu, Poland
Publication date: 2015-12-31
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2015;(4)
In the last decade, far-reaching changes in the way of using the Internet, which as a result of range, multimedia and interactivity plays bigger and bigger role in interpersonal communication, could be observed. These changes are accompanied by development of geo-information services which are usually associated with geo-visualization understood as presentation of geographic information on the maps. Attainability of computer techniques which enable creating of network applications activated users who often and often build their own topic services which connect chosen contents with a map base. The aim of the paper is to analyse chosen data sources as well as techniques and computer tools which can be used to create topic maps according to the conception “user-creator” (produser), “user-producer” (produsage). The project of a topic map presenting chosen touristic object and also nature protection forms localized in the area of Grybów commune (Małopolska, nowosądecki district) was presented in the article. In conclusion, it was revealed that the created map is elastic in edition and development and its every element is possible to be modified. However, it has got some limitations. Its modification needs expert knowledge and access to a server and published data can be questionable for users.
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