Exclusion of lands from agricultural production and urban pressure – case study
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie Katedra Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Architektury Krajobrazu. Poland
Publication date: 2016-12-31
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2016;(4)
Though agricultural lands are subject to legal protection limiting their use for non-agricultural purposes, recent research shows that investment areas are becoming larger at the cost of agricultural production areas. The analysis of cases in which lands have been excluded from agricultural production within Ropczyce-Sędziszów district (powiat), covering the period of 15 years, confirms that the change of area of particular lands is taking place. The biggest change affected grasslands and arable lands. The lands excluded from agricultural production are transformed into single-family housing, recreational and communication areas. Moreover the research allowed to show similarities in communes (gminy) with respect to lands excluded from agricultural production. The communes were singled out that were homogeneous as regards exclusion carried out in years 1999–2014. The choice of a research unit – Ropczyce-Sędziszów district – is determined by accessibility of data regarding exclusions and the fact the district is regarded as a unit with an average outlook for socioeconomic development. Simple statistical methods, quantitative analyses and a method of spatial taxonomy were used in the research.
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