Laser scanning in diagnostics of geometric imperfections of hyperboloid cooling towers
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Department of Land Surveying, University of Agriculture in Krakow
Submission date: 2024-09-22
Acceptance date: 2024-09-30
Publication date: 2025-01-18
Corresponding author
Maria Makuch   

Department of Land Surveying, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2024;(4)
Hyperboloid cooling towers are distinctive tower structures designed to cool industrial waters by discharging their heat into the ambient air. Geometric imperfections of the hyperboloid cooling tower shell are the main, easily measurable symptom of structural strain and a significant factor in the development of safety hazards and failures of these thin-walled shell structures. This article presents an analysis of the use of a ToF and a phase laser scanner in the diagnosis of geometric imperfections of the reinforced concrete cooling tower shell. The reliability of TLS data in mapping the actual shape of the hyperboloid structure was confirmed on the basis of precise reflectorless tachymetry, which serves as reference data. Geometric imperfections of the hyperboloid cooling tower shell were determined by referring the TLS observation sets to a modified model hyperboloid, adjusted to the external surface by taking into account the actual, variable distribution of the shell thickness. Statistically confirmed compliance of the shell geometry analysis results, carried out on the basis of data obtained with two scanners with different parameters, showed no influence of the distance measurement system used in the scanning instrument on the effectiveness of detection of geometric imperfections of the hyperboloid structure. The results of the analyses of the shape of the cooling tower shell were consistent with the information on the geometric state of the structure, collected in the company archive. The imperfection maps generated on the basis of data obtained with the phase and the ToF pulse laser scanner clearly confirmed the deformations of the critical areas of the structure, which do not pose a real threat to the stability of the facility.
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