Selected land marketing tools. Part one: a method of assessing impact of linear investments on arable lands
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie Katedra Geodezji Rolnej, Katastru i Fotogrametrii, Poland
Florida International University Department of Marketing
Publication date: 2016-03-31
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2016;(1)
The first part of the paper presents a method of assessing impact of a motorway on arable lands, which can be used as a tool for estimation of losses resulting from a motorway’s construction. The method of simplified assessment of impact of linear investments on the spatial structure of arable lands is analysed in detail. The losses were determined in a detailed analysis of variations in land use, soil quality class, layout of access roads leading to lands situated along the axis of a planned motorway. The accepted measure of multidirectional impact of a motorway on arable lands is expressed in change of lands’ value. This method can be applied as a tool for selection of optimal motorway route and its preparation for buying or exchange of part of lands designated for investment.
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