Satellite leveling as an alternative to classic height measurements for typical engineering problems
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Department of Geodesy, University of Agriculture in Krakow
Submission date: 2024-09-17
Final revision date: 2024-10-15
Acceptance date: 2024-10-29
Publication date: 2025-01-21
Corresponding author
Tadeusz Gargula   

Department of Geodesy, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2024;(4)
As part of this work, test measurements were carried out for the determination of the height of points by satellite levelling method with the use of real-time technology (RTK/RTN GNSS). The basis of the measurement was a specially set up (marked) grid of test points. Before starting the measurement, the satellite receiver was checked (for accuracy) on two nearby detailed matrix points. The satellite observations were repeated several times at each point in independent measurement sessions. For comparison purposes, height measurements of the test points were also taken using two classical methods: geometric levelling and trigonometric levelling. Then, based on the determined heights of the points (separately for each measurement method), the volume of earth masses was calculated for the solid formed by the test grid area and the adopted reference level. A further application of the determined point heights of the test grid was the drawing of contour lines. The criteria adopted in the comparative analysis of the obtained results were the deviation of the point height in relation to the base value (obtained from geometrical levelling), the difference in the volume of earth masses for individual measurement methods and the degree of similarity of the drawing of contour lines. Conclusions from the performed analysis will make it possible to assess the suitability of satellite height measurement using the RTK/ RTN technique for typical surveying tasks.
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