New technologies in real estate market analysis
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University of Agriculture in Krakow Department of Agricultural Land Surveying, Cadaster and Photogrammetry
Submission date: 2023-02-14
Final revision date: 2023-02-15
Acceptance date: 2023-02-21
Publication date: 2023-03-31
Corresponding author
Piotr Bożek   

University of Agriculture in Krakow Department of Agricultural Land Surveying, Cadaster and Photogrammetry 30-198 Kraków, ul. Balicka 253a
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2023;(1)
The aim of the study was to present new technologies that are useful for obtaining spatial information on real estate and integrating the data with existing databases maintained by public administration agencies. The technologies presented include the use of GIS tools combined with vector data representing cadastral parcels, and raster data acquired by LiDAR technology. The study also employs descriptive data containing transactional information. The application of these new tools for obtaining spatial information provides real estate market operators with additional data that allows for more reliable market analysis. The methodology of this work has been divided into two parts, the first part related to the creation of a real estate database as a reference for the acquisition of spatial data. The second part was dedicated to the acquisition, processing and analysis of spatial conditions in the study area. The study used the data on transactions to determine the parcels for which data on elevation situation were acquired. LiDAR data was then applied to the determined parcels to generate the DTM. The obtained terrain elevation model was processed by raster tools, which created maps of slope and maps of aspect. Currently the data on the features of properties found in real estate price registers maintained by public administration agencies are becoming more accessible in result of the ongoing digitisation of administrative offices in Poland. However, these data do not contain information on slope and aspect – two real estate features that are crucial for surveying areas with varied relief. The presented analysis draws attention to new ways of acquiring spatial data and integrating it with existing databases. Finding ways to integrate data obtained from public administration agencies with modern geographic information systems (GIS) would improve the work not only of valuers, but also of many other real estate professionals (e.g. brokers, developers, bank analysts).
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