Mountain and hilly areas development in Poland — aspects of agricultural policy
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Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukaszewicza Katedra Zaopatrzenia w Wodę i Odprowadzania Ścieków, Poland
Publication date: 2014-03-31
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2014;(1)
This study is an attempt to assess the development of agricultural, rural and mountain areas in Poland from 1918 to 2012 with regard to structural policy conceived as a part of the agricultural policy. The paper describes the methodology and organizational requirements for modernizing or creating new investment process that would shape and develop rural areas. Under Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) implemented in Poland mountain and hilly areas were designated for development. However, financial support for these regions is minimal. Rural and especially mountain areas of Małopolska have very disadvantageous agrarian structure. The economical size of about 86% of farms does not exceed 2 on the ESU scale. The agricultural and forest production areas have marginal significance in spatial development plans of the communes. This is the reason why these areas require new land management programs, which should be preceded by a thorough analysis of the status quo. Engagement of citizens, village councils and community authorities united under the banner of “Family + Tradition + Education + Innovation” is required in the elaboration process of these programs. These engineering projects should be financed through the CAP and cohesion policy funds.
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