Influence of the city council towards model urban development
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Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Design and Basic Architecture
Publication date: 2018-06-30
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2018;(2)
We examined post-industrial urban planning and problems of impulse development as well as city management in the conditions of the information society, which turned out to be the most urbanized in the history of mankind. It was found that for specific conditions of a post-industrial city, the design of the impulse model should consist of two stages – city-wide, and cluster-wide. Moreover, given the danger of hyper-urbanization, the first stage has to focus only on those factors that have a ‘transformative’ character, and those whose potential is mainly ‘inhabiting’ should be left behind. It should be considered as an object of activity of city-wide institutions, applying such impulse factors as accessibility, favourability, self-sufficiency, and nobility. This paper lists practical tasks of city-wide management institutions within the framework of the universal impulse layer, which are derived from the universal factors of the spin-off development of urban structures.
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