Financial instruments of the cohesion policy in the development of regional spatial information systems in Poland — the experiences of the first ten years of Poland’s membership in the EU
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(doktorantka w KGRKiF ) Zespół Szkół Geodezyjno-Technicznych w Łodzi, Poland
Publication date: 2015-09-30
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2015;(3)
For 10 years Poland, as a member of the European Union, has been implementing the EU’s cohesion policy aimed at reducing the disparities in the social, economic and spatial development. The article is an analysis of the importance of cohesion policy instruments in the development of regional spatial information systems in Poland during the first 10 years of its membership in the EU. The identification of regions which capitalized on the opportunity given by the EU is provided and the level and structure of the EU funds used for that purpose are described. In conclusion, the effectiveness of activities related to the implementation of the cohesion policy, in the context of the development of Regional Information Systems in Poland, was confirmed.
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