Evaluation of the urban space of Janów Lubelski for the needs of tourism function
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie
Katedra Ekologii, Klimatologii i Ochrony Powietrza
Publication date: 2019-09-30
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2019;(3)
The aim of the present work is the evaluation of Janów Lubelski’s urban space for the needs of tourism function, carried out using the method of point bonitation based on inventory conducted in the field, the analysis of thematic maps available on the geoportal.gov.pl website, as well as of subject literature and strategic documents. The qualities of the natural and anthropogenic environment as well as tourist infrastructure and development were analysed in detail. A survey was conducted among the residents, on the attractiveness of the city space. Based on the city’s valorisation thus conducted, on the indication of the most valuable natural assets, as well as the analysis of strategic documents and survey results, it was found that Janów Lubelski is an attractive destination in terms of tourism development. The Zalew Janowski (Janów Reservoir) is the most attractive and the most developed tourist site in the area.