Climate policy of the European Union and Polish labour market
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Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła
Zawodowa w Nowym Targu, Poland
Publication date: 2013-12-31
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2013;(4)
For many years the European Union has been taking ambitious actions as a part of climate policy
and the related greenhouse gasses emission limitations, which are based on the will to become
the world leader. These actions are also taken in Poland, as a part of restructuration of the main
sectors of economy. Further transformation of Polish economy seems inevitable, especially taking into account the outside conditions and the market economy tendencies. However it is important for the transformations not to cause real threats for Polish economy, but to be used in
a way that would create new opportunities and competitive advantages, as well as the increase
effectiveness of management and work efficiency. The article aims to present costs related to giving up on conventional energy and increasing the usage of renewable energy sources, and their
impact on Polish job market.