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The second issue, No. 2/2

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Kahina Loumi , Ali Redjem mail  

Combining AHP with GIS for mapping the vulnerability to forest fire risk

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This article deals with the problem of forest fires in the province of Tizi Ouzou this tragic phenomenon which has always struck the region and which often causes degas at the same time human, social, economic, ecological and sanitary. The methodology applied to the Tizi Ouzou region aims to study the vulnerability of its territory to forest fires. The AHP-GIS integration greatly facilitates this work because in this study several qualitative and quantitative criteria come into play. The construction of this structure was based on the construction of a grid of criteria applied to the entire area of The study, using geomantic operations as integrating and generating tools. To choose the most vulnerable area, a geographic information system (GIS) was combined with an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in order to analyze several criteria, such as land use, climatological condition and Topography. The AHP was applied to determine the importance weights of each criterion. to assess the vulnerability of areas, a simple additive weighting method was used. Each criterion was evaluated with the aid of AHP and mapped by GIS. The main advantage of such an approach is to facilitate the analysis of complex data in the form of graphical representations. In particular, this is an essential decision-making tool for elected representatives of local authorities. These results can be used effectively to plan fire control measures in advance and the methodology suggested in this study can be adopted in other areas too for delineating potential fire risk zones.

Keywords: forest fires • AHP-GIS integration • Tizi Ouzou region • risk • decision-making


Abdeldjebar Touahri mail , Salah Sahraoui , Sana Benmansour , Mohammed Hadjkouider  

Tectono-sedimentologic and lithostratigraphic control in Aures Region: Case study Djebel Metlili, Batna, Algeria

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This research delves into the geological features of the western section of the Aures Basin, with a primary focus on Djebel Metlili. The geological characteristics span Mesozoic and Tertiary deposits, ranging from the Triassic to the Quaternary epochs. Notably, the higher Cretaceous period stands out for its substantial carbonate-rich sequence. The research relied on geological maps, field observations, core samples, and laboratory analyses, including lithostratigraphic examinations (cross-section) and thin section. Structural features show that is formed by large regular folds of ENE-WSW or E-W direction. Anticlines and synclines are often affected by transverse accidents at the axes of the folds. In its northern part is located immediately south of the Belezma-Batna mountains. Structural analysis highlights significant tectonic disturbances, oriented in a northwest-southeast direction. A detailed lithostratigraphic examination reveals marly formations interspersed with limestone-rich layers containing Inoceramus. The southern part of Dj. Metlili, particularly the Santonian-Campanian series, unveils three distinct meso-transgressive sequences, linked to sea-level fluctuations associated with sedimentary basin subsidence. The studied area exhibits three distinct facies: one characterized by gray phosphate limestone with crisscrossed stratifications and agitated bioclastic sand, another featuring a mollusk-rich bioclastic limestone indicating a turbulent intertidal environment, and a third
presenting a clay limestone bank with fine to medium grains and lumachels rich in oysters and gastropods. The associated grainstone texture in the microfacies suggests an internal platform environment marked by dissolution, bioturbation, and ferruginization. This comprehensive exploration provides valuable insights into the geological history of the region, significantly contributing to our understanding of its evolution over time.

Keywords: Aures • Metlili • Santonian-Campanian • Inoceram • tectonics


Rafika Senouci mail , Belkacem Dib , Salim Dehimi

Creating of urban spaces: between legislation and application. A case study of land use plan N°06 in the city of Batna

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The illegal and disorderly practices committed by the IUC (inhabitants/users/citizens) have introduced chaos into urban spaces at different levels. The aim of this study is to examine how the practices do not comply with urban legislation impact urban spaces. It applies a socio-spatial analysis using three methodologies: the first is a social survey through questionnaires, the second is a field survey of the area studied, and the third is a spatial configuration modeling using space syntax analyses. The results show the dysfunctionalities caused by the unplanned interventions of IUCs within the study area, specifically land use plan N°06 in the city of Batna.
Disobeying urban planning principles leads to compromised accessibility and visibility according to spatial syntax measures. Additionally, the results of the questionnaire and the survey highlight the inadequacy of legislation without effective enforcement mechanisms. Furthermore, the study contrasts the findings of field survey with spatial configuration analyses, indicating the disadvantages of the created urban space.

Keywords: urban space • urban legislation • space syntax analysis • LUP N°06 • Batna city


Agnieszka Chłosta-Sikorska mail , Szymon Sikorski

Nowa Huta – between the countryside and the city. Part 2. Economic and political transformation, and a new perspective on Nowa Huta’s place in the landscape of Małopolska

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The aim of this study is to give an insight into the phenomenon of Nowa Huta, which has been one of Krakow’s districts since 1951, although in 1949 it was planned as a separate city. Particular emphasis in this part is placed on the realisation of the potential of the XVIII District after the changes in the political and economic system that took place between 1945 and 1989. One of the ideas of Tadeusz Ptaszycki, the chief architect of Nowa Huta, was to implement the principles of the ideal city and garden city, i.e. a city with small, low-density buildings and a predominance of green areas. However, industrialisation happened so quickly that it nearly led to the extinction of many plant and animal species. Fortunately, the development did not invade the Nowohucka Meadows, allowing residents to enjoy the benefits of this unique natural site. In 2023, Nowa Huta was declared a historical monument, which gives it additional protection from poorly thoughtout investments and supports the development of cultural tourism, historical education, and the creation of cultural trails. Krakow is also covered by a sustainable tourism policy, which supports its cultural heritage and protects the natural environment. The principles adopted combine the needs of tourists with conscious consumption and long-term planning that takes into account ecological solutions and the comfort of residents in accordance with the ‘respect Krakow’ motto. It is also important to engage the local community and visitors in spreading the message about Krakow on social media, for example by using the hashtag ‘#krakow’.

Keywords: Nowa Huta • propaganda • industrialization • ideal city • garden city • Nowa Huta Meadows • greenery • animals • turism • cultural heritage • historical monument • #krakow


Robert Szewczyk mail

The development of flood zones

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As cities develop, more and more areas are occupied by buildings and transportation infrastructure. It is only natural that urban development requires the creation of recreational infrastructure for city residents. Recreational infrastructure is essential for the proper functioning of city dwellers. Providing land for such infrastructure falls under the responsibility of local authorities. However, acquiring such land in large cities is very expensive. Therefore, areas with development restrictions become a natural space for recreational facilities. For this reason, the use of river valleys has been studied. These areas are currently used as floodplains in case of floods. The presented analyses were carried out for the city of Sandomierz. It is one of the oldest cities in Poland. The unique character of this city attracts many tourists each year. Most tourist attractions are located near the Old Town. The Old Town of Sandomierz is situated on the banks of the Vistula River. The Vistula River is the largest river in Poland. During floods it swells and the water overflows its bed. in order to protect residents from flooding, flood zones are designated, and flood embankments are constructed. Floodplains in this area occupy a significant part of the city. The research involved both geospatial and legal documentation analyses of this area. The paper proposes alternative ways of using these areas, taking into account the interests of city residents, municipal authorities, the natural environment, and institutions dealing with flood protection.

Keywords: GIS analysis • development • floodplains • spatial planning


Monika Maria Siejka mail , Monika Maria Mika , Marcin Cyrwus, Mariusz Górak

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of residential real estate market in small cities – case study of Nowy Targ, Poland

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The economic problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have not spared the real estate sector. It seemed that the bear market on the residential premises rental market would bring a decline in transaction prices. Meanwhile, the opposite trend was taking place on the real estate market. This situation has strengthened the perception of investing in real estate as a stable and, above all, safe source of investment compared to other forms of capital investment. Therefore, the aim of this research is to attempt to assess the impact of the pandemic on the residential real estate market in the city of Nowy Targ in 2017–2022. The research period was designed to test the market behaviour in connection with the pandemic. By analysing the distribution of prices and the number of transactions in the period before and during the pandemic, one can assess whether the pandemic had an impact on the local market. The research showed that the pandemic did not have a significant influence on the level of prices or the number of transactions, but it did lead to huge fluctuations in unit prices caused by uncertainty in all sectors of the economy. The obtained results provide valuable information to investors operating in the real estate market on changes in price levels in unusual market conditions, and thus enable making informed decisions regarding investments in residential real estate.

Keywords: real estate market • residential premises • transaction price • local market


Nawel Touaibia mail , Djamel Telaidjia 

The geography of retail trade and services in Annaba’s city, Algeria

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Annaba, a metropolitan city, has experienced the evolution and mutation of its commercial establishments over the last few decades. A phenomenon has upset the old center-periphery balance where the commercial offer is dominated by the phenomenon of centrality. This offer is very strong in the center and decreasing towards the periphery. From this perspective, the city of Annaba has experienced a massive migration of certain retail businesses, especially the food trade, from the center to the periphery, which has led to an important specialization, which differentiates its spaces. This paper proposes a methodological approach for analyzing commercial centralities in a compact town center. This paper is an attempt to analyze, in the form of a map, the results of a field survey carried out in 2021–2022 among retail traders, and the rationale behind the spatial reorganization of commercial units in this town. To this end, a number of indicators have been selected as relevant, in particular: residential location, consumer mobility conditions, and certain consumer practices and choices. Using Annaba’s case as a starting point, the aim is to assess the relevance of classic models of retail geography and to understand the new changes in the commercial fabric of Annaba’s inner city after several years of reconfiguration between the center and the periphery.

Keywords: retail trade • mutation • center-periphery • city of Annaba • Algeria


Abdeldjalil Mouerri mail , Riheb Hadji , Farid Zahri , Younes Hamed , Brahmi Serhane

Multidisciplinary evaluation of geological, geotechnical, geomechanical, and hydrogeological parameters for assessing slope stability in the Aures Mountain Quarry

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The study delves into characterizing the mechanical parameters of the Tahar Louchene aggregate quarry unit in Ain Touta municipality, Batna province, Algeria. This investigation is crucial to address recurring instabilities commonly encountered in open-cast mines. Our approach adopts a comprehensive methodology integrating geotechnical, geomechanical, and numerical analyses, aiming to provide a thorough assessment of fractured rock mass behavior. Our methodology begins with detailed geological surveys aimed at optimal drilling site selection. Geomechanical analysis follows, focusing on fracturing and evaluating rock mass quality, complemented by geotechnical investigations featuring in-situ testing. To gather representative samples, we extracted eighteen cylindrical cores (102 mm × 204 mm) from various benches using a mechanical coring drill. These cores underwent rigorous physical characterization, geochemical analysis, and mechanical testing. Furthermore, 3D FEM numerical modeling was applied to comprehensively assess rock edge stability. The outcomes of our study unveil the presence of four distinct discontinuity sets within the primary formations, with particular emphasis on fault families of geological significance influencing deposit configuration. These fault structures provide valuable insights into stress history and tectonic evolution that directly impact the stability of the quarry. Moreover, our analysis identified various failure types, notably exacerbated by blasting practices that reduce safety factor values, highlighting the critical need for improved safety protocols. Our approach not only contributes to enhancing mining efficiency and productivity but also prioritizes the safety of equipment and personnel in open-cast mining operations across Algeria.

Keywords: open cast mine • stability • 3D FEM • GIS • RMR


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