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The first issue, No. 1

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Andrzej Szymon Borkowski mail , Michał Wyszomirski

Landscape information modelling: an important aspect of BIM modelling, examples of cubature, infrastructure, and planning projects

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Land Information Modelling (LIM), increasingly popular among landscape architects and urban planners, is based on the use of urban space data that can be obtained from GIS systems. New models of buildings are simultaneously developed in BIM technology. This provokes an increasing need for integration of data from both areas for the use of shared BIM and GIS data in landscape design. The increasing popularity of the BIM technology not only forces designers to develop BIM models of buildings but also other land management objects, including infrastructure objects. Whereas it is possible to develop a model of an infrastructure object in specific BIM tools, the IFC data model for standardised exchange of BIM data does not offer the possibility to record data on objects other than buildings and their furnishings, and elements of land management are treated in a very general way. Transferring such a model by means of the IFC model requires the application of substitute classes of objects that are not relevant to the actual image of the model. Considering the above, the buildingSMART consortium conducts works on the expansion of the IFC model to permit modelling data on infrastructure objects. Provided the availability of valid spatial data from GIS systems and data concerning infrastructure objects already at the stage of design, systemic BIM and LIM can become a powerful landscape design tool based on current data and data concerning designed objects.

Keywords: landscape information modelling • building information modelling • IFC model


Jacek Swolkień mail, Marek Tomaszek, Wiktor Halecki

Multidimensional cadastre as an element of participation in modern space management

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Smart city is a city that increases the interactivity of its components and put emphasis on their functionality. Internet of Things technology (IoT) is an innovative solution in environmental protection. Usually, information on air quality is very scattered. This paper describes the test stages of pre-implementation works, focusing on the presentation of the technical design of the measurement nodes and the assumptions of the IT project. The goal of the project Intelligent Wireless Sensor Network Infrastructure (IIBSC) is, among others, to create a dense network of air quality measurement nodes at city, district or even street level. The concept is based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology using a matrix construction tool connected to multiple identical measurement nodes located in the test area. The project developed a hardware platform supporting sensors and resistant to external factors, and an ISIMPIO information platform based on edge processing technology for processing data from air quality sensors. Due to the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, an edge server using edge processing was designed. Edge server provides a complete ecosystem for building edge applications that are fully optimized for seamless field work. In addition, it allows the implementation of integrated Python software, the MQ Telemetry Transport support protocol (MQTT), time-series database, firmware update over a wireless network, and built-in security system. Measuring the concentration of particulate matter and other substances in the air will be useful for specialists assessing their dynamics. The technology and test installation selected corresponds to the leading solutions in this field in Europe and, in the future, should also be extended to less urbanised areas.

Keywords: urban infrastructure • Internet of Things • air quality • environmental monitoring


Andrzej Kwinta mail , Robert Gradka

Dynamic objects geometry measurement by laser scanning – a case study

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The objective of the study was to analyse of measurement of moving objects by means of the Total Station (TS) method and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS). The subject of the tests was the “Polinka” gondola cable car over the Odra river in Wrocław. Research covered the basic and control measurements. The results of observations of suspension ropes’ deflection of the cable car in kinematical state were compared for various degrees of loading. During the motion of the gondola, the shape of the pull and supporting rope is subject to constant shifts. TS measurements are restricted solely to registering interim positioning of the points of pull lines (measurement of static objects). Laser scanner measurements may reveal changes in the location of many points (i.e. drive lines, catenaries or carriages) within a unit of time. The tests were designed to show whether it is possible to capture the shifts in geometry of the moving object (mainly by means of the TLS methods - in the course of constant vibrating of lines and during the movement of gondolas). The analyses indicated that it is possible to capture the changes of geometry by means of the TLS method, however, upon strictly specified measurement conditions.

Keywords: laser scanning • objects’ dynamics • monitoring geometry


Bogusław Michalec mail

The capacity of the Sanna river in conditions of the reliable flow and the control discharges of the weir in Zaklików

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The aim of the study was to determine the capacity of a selected section of the Sanna river, designated below the lower site of the weir in Zaklików. The capacity calculations included the conditions of flood water discharge, i.e. the reliable flow and the control flow, determined in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment on technical conditions that should be ensured for the hydrotechnical structures and their locations. The paper presents the consequences of changes in the regulations regarding the determination of building type, for which reliable flow and control discharges are determined. These modifications in the regulations have an impact on changes in the determination of the probability value for water discharges related to the analysed weir. The calculation of the capacity of the tested section also took into account its technical condition, specifying the variant of calculations for the lack of maintenance works, i.e. for the current state and for the state after maintenance works, consisting in mowing vegetation on slopes and shaping the surface of river bottom, removing pits and shallows. The results of the calculations of capacity of the measured cross-sections showed that the performance of maintenance works will convey the flow of a Q3% reliable flow in the Sanna river, while the Q1% control flow will not fit into the riverbed and will cause inundation of the adjacent areas.

Keywords: reliable flow • control flow • capacity • damming • inundation


Mariusz Zygmunt mail , Jacek Gniadek , Robert Szewczyk

The method for setting map sheet identification numbers in the International Map of the World (IMW) system

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The systematic division into section sheets adopted in the International World Map is the standard in many countries. This division is used for most types of small-scale maps. Due to the scope of application, it is also often the basis for indexing orthophoto images and data from laser scanning. Data accummulated in central State resources cover entire countries. Their coverage includes more than information obtained and processed for the users’ needs in the source format. Increasingly often, data is transformed into formats that facilitate their application (e.g. setting up a GRID for a digital terrain model). The need for quick spatial identification is a determinant of the availability of resources stored in these databases. The dynamic development of Open Source software in the fields of GIS is another increasingly broad area of study, and the research focus of scientists from around the world. They see it not only as a ready-made tool for conducting spatial analyses, but also in terms of searching for algorithmic solutions to meet the needs resulting from the requirement to process ever larger amounts of this type of data. The present paper discusses the method for designating a map sheet identification number (index) in a selected scale, based on the longitude and latitude of the given point. An unquestionable advantage of the presented solution is the possibility of dividing map sheets into scales, which were missing in their basic description. It follows from the fact that this spatial indexing method is indispensable for large amounts of data.

Keywords: IMW • index map • geometrical geodesy • Open Source


Michał Uruszczak mail

Analysis of the state of preservation, spatial arrangement and tourist usage of residential and garden premises in Janów (silesian voivodeship, Poland)

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The aim of the study is to analyse and evaluate the state of preservation of residential and garden premises and their current use in the Janów commune (Silesian Voivodeship, Poland). The commune, having a huge landscape and natural potential, has at the same time four palace and park premises that are listed in the Registry of Objects of Cultural Heritage. They are located in: Bystrzanowice-Dwór, Czepurka, Złoty Potok and Żuraw. The objects’ history, current state and tourist potential, resulting from their presence in the commune, are presented. Tourism, as a tool of regional policy, facilitates professional insertion of local community. It also influences the region in terms of nature conservation, landscape quality and attention to monuments.

Keywords: Janów • tourism • residential and garden premises • Kraków-Częstochowa Upland



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