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The second issue, No. 2

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Szczepan Budkowski mail, Jacek Gniadek

Boundaries in the real estate cadastre – establishment of boundaries in the land and building records

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In Poland, the land and building records serve as the real estate cadastre and are subject to periodic and ongoing updating in accordance with applicable regulations. The district governor (starosta) is obliged to keep records of land and buildings. Descriptive data is kept by land and mortgage courts. The correct plot designation in the register defines the property as a subject of legal circulation. The purpose of the present publication is to clarify the problems associated with establishing the boundaries of registration plots in the context of the possibility of using a multidimensional cadastre. The publication also contains an assessment of selected technical and legal aspects related to the above-mentioned tasks.

Keywords: land and building records • multidimensional cadaster • legal boundary


Aneta Dacko mail , Robert Szewczyk

Factors shaping the price of geodetic works in regard to the necessity of adapting land and buildings register databases to the requirements of the inspire directive based on the example of Małopolskie Voivodeship

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The development of the information society requires an appropriate infrastructure. One of its pillars is information on the boundaries of property ownership rights and information on buildings. According to Polish regulations, this information is included in the land and buildings register database (EGiB). In case of poor quality and incomplete data that does not meet statutory requirements, a modernization of the database is necessary. Its proper execution requires large amount of work and money. For this reason in recent years many programs have been created, co-financed from EU funds, under which geodetic works are conducted, including the modernization of the land and buildings register database.
The paper presents an analysis of the main factors affecting the prices of modernization of land and buildings register in Małopolskie Voivodeship. For this purpose, data from tenders for the modernization of the EGIB database, published by public administration units operating this database, were used. The model containing multiple regressions allowed to estimate that the cost per unit of modernizing EGiB is impacted by: total plots/ha, the amount of buildings for measurement/ha and the type of maps in geodetic documentation.

Keywords: modernization of land records • prices of geodetic works • INSPIRE Directive


Bogdan Jankowicz mail

The applications of edge-detection image filtering in medical imaging and diagnosis

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This article presents examples of the use of image filtering for various types of diagnostic medical imaging in order to improve their interpretative value, and thus to improve the diagnostic reliability of that imaging.
As research and visual tests have shown, in many cases, the use of digital image filtering makes it possible to significantly improve not only image quality, but also their readability or clarity, thus contributing to a more accurate and precise reading and interpretation of information contained in the images.
The author proposed specific filters that largely meet the assumed conditions and constitute a supplement, and sometimes introduce a possible new application in addition to those already known in subject literature.
A visual assessment was also made of the degree of diagnostic usefulness of images after filtration compared to the source images.
The most commonly used filters are those that not only help to improve the overall appearance and quality of the image, but also, on the one hand, help to extract or highlight certain information, or to reduce noise, on the other hand. Thanks to these solutions, it is possible to smoothen or sharpen some structures within the images, which impacts their readability and quality.
Thus, image filtering has become a very desirable and useful tool in many fields of science, technology, as well as art and medicine. The subject matter of image transformation is here applied to the latter discipline.

Keywords: medical imaging • edge-detection • image filtering • photo-interpretation


Karol Król mail , Dariusz Zdonek

The impact of code minification on map application performance

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There are many techniques available today for publishing maps in web browsers. The material is often created using geographical information systems (GIS). The performance, most often understood as the speed of loading the application into a web browser, is the determinant of the viewing experience. The performance of a map application can be improved through such process as minification. The purpose of the study is to measure the impact of minification on the performance of the map component.
Code minification was performed by selected web applications. The performance of two applications, GTmetrix and Dareboost, was tested. Two research questions have been posed: RQ1: How great a reduction in the size of component files of an application can be achieved with minification? and RQ2: How will the minification affect the performance of a web browser map application? The research has shown that the model applications were performing relatively poor, in particular, on mobile devices. The minification reduced the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files by about 11%, which had a slight impact on application performance (in the employed research design). It has been demonstrated that minification was insufficient for improving significantly the performance of the tested applications. Additional compression of image files is recommended.

Keywords: minification • ad-hoc maps • performance • raster • code obfuscation • geo-visualization


Dawid Kudas mail , Agnieszka Wnęk , Ihor Savchyn

Prospect of development of the VRSNET reference stations network

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The VRSNET is a commercial active geodetic network of reference stations deployed on Polish territory and in neighbouring countries. The paper presents a spatial analysis of locations of VRSNET permanent stations whose antennas and satellite receivers continuously record signals transmitted by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The study focused on delimiting the potential average range of individual stations in Poland. Spatial analyses, including Voronoi/Thiessen diagram (Dirichlet tessellations) and spatial buffers were used in the research. The study evaluated the geometry of the VRSNET network for the Real Time Kinematic (RTK) measurements that use base vectors solely from the analysed stations. Possible development of the VRSNET network through launching new reference stations was elaborated, too. The spatial analyses indicated the localisation and range of areas with an insufficient density of the VRSNET network. The locations of 16 new reference stations have been delimited on Polish territory. The VRSNET network with newly designed stations was reassessed for validation using the Voronoi/Thiessen diagram and spatial buffers. The results were compared with the parameters for the Active Geodetic Network – European Position Determination System (ASG-EUPOS). Improved RTK measurement geometric parameters resulting from the proposed scenario of the VRSNET network development have been demonstrated. Network density can also have a positive impact on the measurement results of the Network Real Time Kinematic (NRTK).

Keywords: VRSNET • active geodesic network design • RTK • GNSS • Voronoi/Thiessen polygons • CORS


Chima Jude Iheaturu mail , Emmanuel Gbenga Ayodele , Chukwuma John Okolie

An assessment of the accuracy of structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry for 3D terrain mapping

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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with photogrammetric or remote sensing instrumentations offer numerous opportunities in mapping and data collection for topographic modelling. An example is an emerging technique known as Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry used for the collection of low-cost, high spatial resolution, three-dimensional data. This study utilised the real time kinematic-based point-to-point validation technique and two sets of randomly selected ground control points to assess the capability and geometric accuracy of SfM-technology for three-dimensional (3D) terrain mapping over a small study area to contribute to the knowledge of applicability. The data used was collected in Garscube Sports Complex, Glasgow City Council, Scotland. The study utilised fifteen (15) Ground Control Points (GCPs) coordinated by the Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK GNSS) positioning technique, while a DJI Phantom 3 Professional unmanned aerial vehicle was used to obtain the aerial photos in a single flight to minimise cost. The processing of the photos was done using Pix4Dmapper Pro software version 4.2.27. A point-to-point validation method was used to evaluate the 3D positional accuracy of the orthophoto and DSM. The results of the validation with ten checkpoints suggest a high level of accuracy and acceptability given a Root Mean Square Error of 20.93 mm, 18.48 mm and 46.05 mm in the X, Y and Z coordinates respectively. In conclusion, the study has shown that SfM technique can be used to produce high-resolution and accurate topographic data for geospatial applications with significant advantages over the traditional methods. However, it is to be noted that the quality of the data captured is dependent on the methodology adopted and should be taken into consideration.

Keywords: SfM photogrammetry • orthophoto • DSM • topography • GNSS


Barbara Joanna Olczak mail

The role of integration of spatial and social effort in the regeneration of residential areas 

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Regeneration of residential areas, with the main goal to improve the quality of space and life for residents, is often very costly and time-consuming. It is important to direct the regeneration process so that the effort and costs yield the expected results both for those responsible for the actions and residents of the relevant areas. The author has worked in a multidisciplinary team handling spatial and social integration of illegal residential districts in Montevideo Department, Uruguay. It was an opportunity to learn about the governmental scheme and the methods it employed. She participated in several projects at different stages and witnessed the results of the effort. Inspired by the effects of the scheme, she attempted to identify activities that were based on similar assumptions in Poland.
The pilot scheme by Ewa Kipta, later transformed into the Lublin Regeneration Scheme, was selected because it reached out to residents at an early stage of implementation. An in-depth analysis indicated that the social factor is important for the identification of the condition of the space and the effort to improve it. Residents took part in determining the directions of activities in their districts when detailed designs were being created and implemented. Regardless of the form of dialogue, the effort led to long-term effects the residents evaluated favourably in both cases.

Keywords: regeneration • residential environment • space quality • spatial and social integration • dialogue with residents


Izabela Piech mail , Tadeusz Żaba , Aleksandra Jankowska

Data classification based on photogrammetry 

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The aim of the paper was to classify data from aerial laser scanning and CIR digital images, which were orientated, connected and aligned by the Agisoft Photoscan software. Then, in order to distinguish the ground a point cloud was generated. This was to create a correct terrain mesh and, in consequence, an orthophotomap. The next stage is to develop a new point cloud using ArcGIS. The land cover from the images was combined with the ground mapped by LiDAR. New heights were calculated relative to the ground surface height 0. The point cloud was converted into a raster form, providing a normalized Digital Surface Model (nDSM). It was the first element of the output composition, which also consisted of the NIR and RED channels, acquired from the cloud point generated in Agisoft. The colour composition obtained in such way was subjected to four object-oriented and pixel-oriented classification methods: I – ISO Cluster, II – Maximum Likelihood, III – Random Trees, IV – Support Vector Machine. Object grouping is possible due to information stored in the display content. This technique is prompted by human ability of image interpretation. It draws attention to more variables, so effects similar to human perception of reality are possible to achieve. The unsupervised method is based on a process of automatic search for image fragments, which allows assigning them to individual categories by a statistical analysis algorithm. In turn, supervised method uses “training datasets”, which are used to “teach” the program assigning individual or grouped pixels to classes [Benz UC et al., 2004]. The area studied for land development was the Lutowiska municipality, in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Bieszczady County. As a result of the classification, 11 classes of terrain features were distinguished: class 0 – road infrastructure, class 1 – roads, class 2 – buildings, class 3 – waters, class 4 – meadows, class 5 – arable lands, class 6 – pastures, class 7 – high vegetation, class 8 – medium vegetation, class 9 – low vegetation, class 10 – quarry. The area of research covers an area of about 28 km2. Aerial images were made in 2015. Field vision and photopoint measurement was carried out in May 2018.

Keywords: laser scanning • aerial images • supervised classification • unsupervised classification


Tadeusz Żaba mail , Izabela Piech

Selected examples of historical cartography

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In World War II, the Battle of Monte Cassino (also called the Battle of Rome) was a breakthrough moment of the Italian campaign.
The Battle of Monte Cassino, which was remarkably vicious and ruthless, lasted nearly five months. During the entire Italian campaign, which ran from 3 September 1943 to 2 May 1945, the Allies lost nearly 312,000 soldiers and Germans suffered about 435,000 killed and injured, i.e. an average of 1,233 people per day for both sides. The most fierce fights took place on the Gustav Line: Germans, Italians, Americans, French, British, Indians, New Zealanders, Poles, Canadians and South Africans lost about 200,000 soldiers within 129 days. The 2nd Polish Corps alone had 924 dead, 2930 injured and 345 missing.
During the recognition of the site and the preparation of the assaults, soldiers of the 12th Geographical Company of the 2nd Polish Corps drew, alongside maps, many perspective sketches of hills and structures from several observation posts. The authors attempted to analyse selected sketches, in terms of their geometric parameters and compatibility with a map made in 1944, based on aerial photographs. Some of these sketches are not perspective drawings but panoramic (mapped on cylindrical or spherical surface), with specified angular graduation and distances. Probably, they were to be used for artillery fire – which is proven by their precision. The art of the terrain’s details is also noteworthy. On the other hand, photogrammetric observations, unlike geodesic ones, are not made directly on the measured object, but indirectly on properly taken photographs. They are called measuring photos or photograms. The basic requirement for measuring photos is their fidelity with a central projection (which, in view of the imperfections of image extraction techniques, is only its closest mathematical model). After taking pictures, the actual dimensions and shape of the area or object recorded in the pictures are determined by awareness of the conditions under which these photos were taken (shooting distance and camera type). For these reasons, photogrammetric methods have been used in archaeology, architecture and preservation of monuments, astronomy, ballistics, construction, geology, mining, hydrology, forensics, forestry, medicine, automotive and shipbuilding industries, and especially in surveying and cartography.

Keywords: panoramic parameters • geometrical parameters • aerial photographs • Monte Cassino


Karol Król mail

Comparative analysis of selected online tools for JavaScript code minification. A case study of a map application

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The performance of some map applications can be improved not only through the compression of raster files or appropriate data server configuration, but also by using source file minification. Minification can be more or less effective. The objective of the paper is to perform a comparative analysis of selected online tools for minifying JavaScript code and to measure the impact of such minification on the performance of a map application. Minification and performance tests were conducted on a prototype map application. The application was developed as a ZoomLens component extending the functionality of any website. Various tools yielded similar results of the JavaScript file minification, and it did not affect the values of aggregate performance indices. In most cases, it reduced the JavaScript file size by over a half. It has been demonstrated that minification of JavaScript code alone may not be sufficient to improve the application performance noticeably.

Keywords: boosting minification • bloating files • compression • performance • optimisation • ad hoc testing
