The reach and the trends in the use of the map service for the local spatial development plan of Tomice municipality
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University of Agriculture in Krakow
Digital Cultural Heritage Laboratory
Department of Land Management and Landscape Architecture
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying
Submission date: 2023-05-04
Final revision date: 2023-05-17
Acceptance date: 2023-05-23
Publication date: 2023-06-30
Corresponding author
Karol Król
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Digital Cultural Heritage Laboratory
Department of Land Management and Landscape Architecture
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying
ul. Balicka 253c, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2023;(2)
Users are primarily interested in the comfort of use and the range of map service in terms of its functionalities. Publishers, in turn, monitor usage statistics in order to optimize the operation of their websites based on the analysis of these statistics. This also applies to municipal map apps. The present work’s objective is to analyse the reach and trends in the use of the Internet application presenting the local spatial development plan (eMPZP). The monitoring covered the map service of the Tomice municipality – in the Małopolska Region (Województwo Małopolskie), Wadowice district (Powiat Wadowicki), Poland – which is available on the municipality’s server at the Internet address The data was collected in the period from January 1, 2013 to May 1, 2023. Selected website usage indicators were analysed. In a period of just over 10 years, the eMPZP application was displayed 31,713 times, of which 25,009 (78.86%) were unique views. The largest number of users was recorded in Poland, i.e. 13,044 (83.52%); followed by the United States, i.e. 565 (3.62%) and the United Kingdom, i.e. 434 (2.78%). Most users found the eMPZP application using search engines and direct links. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that map service usage statistics could be useful for municipal authorities, as they help to understand how the service is used, by whom it is used, and what the users’ preferences are. In addition, it was shown that eMPZP still fulfils a number of selected functions, despite the fact that in 2019 it was replaced by a geoportal ( Accordingly, it is recommended that the so-called automatic redirection be set, sending the users to the current geoportal using specific HTML tags.