The assessment of the application of terrestrial laser scanning for measuring
the geometrics of cooling towers
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Politechnika Wrocławska
Zakład Geodezji i Geoinformatyki, Poland
Publication date: 2016-12-31
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2016;(4)
The investigation of technical condition of cooling towers is an important engineering issue.
Regulations regarding safe operations of high structures force periodic measurements in order
to determine technical state of such towers. This paper presents the processing methodology of
laser scanning data and shows computation results of cooling tower W-1 shape changes. These
results were referred to the designed shape of the tower in question. Tower surface displacements (deformations) are shown by plotting the deviations of the measured shape from the
regular one. The determined changes in the surface shape are between –20 cm and 5 cm. This
article presents the evaluation of the technical condition of the W-1 cooling tower.