Proposed model for data security protection of cadastral information in Poland
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie
Katedra Geodezji
Publication date: 2017-03-31
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2017;(1)
The paper presents a proposal for the data security model to protect the cadastral information
recorded in the databases of real estate in Poland. The model was developed for the implementa-
tion of multi-purpose cadastral tasks. The problem has been considered from the point of view
of the smooth functioning of the real estate market. Reliability of the real estate market is guar-
anteed by the full, accurate, easily available and current cadastral data. The latter is an important
piece of information about the area or land, essential for the implementation of most of the
real estate management processes. The publication indicates obligatory and optional sources of
cadastral information. The basis for the model of cadastral data security system is the compat-
ibility of the assumptions between the said model and the applicable law. The model contains
four types of disclosure status for cadastral data (confidential information, public information,
incomplete public information, non-confidential information requiring a license). The status
was adjusted to specified groups of users of the multipurpose cadastre. The aforementioned
groups are based on the entities, acting within the real estate market in Poland. The security
model presented herewith assumes a full transition to computer storage media, including the
descriptive information and spatial databases, contained in the multi-purpose cadastre, as well
as full interoperability of the data collected therein.