Modelling a sacred object using MLS data and non-metric images
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Department of Agricultural Geodesy, Cadastre and Photogrammetry, University of Agriculture in Kraków
OPGK Rzeszów SA
Submission date: 2024-09-25
Final revision date: 2024-10-07
Acceptance date: 2024-10-07
Publication date: 2025-01-18
Corresponding author
Bogusława Kwoczyńska   

Department of Agricultural Geodesy, Cadastre and Photogrammetry, University of Agriculture in Kraków (Katedra Geodezji Rolnej, Katastru i Fotogrametrii, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie), ul. Balicka 253a, 30-198, Kraków, Poland
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2024;(4)
Today, surveying technologies used in geodesy play a key role in the documentation and analysis of objects. The development of surveying techniques has been significantly influenced by improvements in hardware and software for data collection and processing. In addition to traditional methods such as surveying, photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques, which allow much more data to be collected in a relatively short period of time, are being developed at a remarkable rate. These techniques make it possible to create spatial models of objects, on the basis of which a more extensive analysis and the acquisition of technical documentation can be conducted. The study used a mobile laser scanning technique and non-metric images to acquire data to create a 3D model of a historic sacred building. The scanning was performed using a low-cost handheld mobile laser scanner (MLS) equipped with a Livox-Mid360 sensor from MandEye, based on SLAM technology derived from robotics, which was mounted on a bracket and stand made by Ronin. The images were taken using the camera of a Samsung Galaxy M51 mobile phone. The object of the study was the historic wooden church of St. Mark in Rodaki. The object was modelled in the Agisoft Metashape and Cyclon 3DR programs. The created models were compared by creating a differential model in CloudCompare software.
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