Method for creating digital orthophotomaps of increased informational value
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University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy
Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformation Systems
Institute of Geodesy
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Publication date: 2018-03-31
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2018;(1)
The paper discusses how to apply the information on the density of three-dimensional point
cloud, obtained as a result of computer stereo reconstruction of an area, based on aerial images.
Images of high objects – particularly walls, treetops, bushes, etc. – in a particular area are used to
create a point density map by means of GIS instruments. The information enables redistribution
of the weight of cloud points in order to intensify or reduce their impact on the digital model
of an area, or orthophotomap. The proposed method has been used to create orthophotomaps
based on aerial images obtained from UAS.