Application of sound tomography in the revitalization of the area surrounding the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary orthodox church in Wlodawa
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Katedra Roślin Ozdobnych, Dendrologii i Architektury Krajobrazu Wydział Ogrodnictwa i Architektury Krajobrazu, Poland
Publication date: 2018-09-30
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 2018;(3)
The main purpose of the present work was to examine the effectiveness of using information technology tools in the form of ultrasound computed tomography in the reclamation of historical garden space. The obtained dendrological inventory results were applied in carrying out a project of revitalizing the area around the historic orthodox church in Włodawa. The city is located in the central-eastern part of Poland, near the border with Belarus and Ukraine. The origins of the orthodox parish date back to the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The orthodox church was erected in the Byzantine-Classicist style, on the Greek cross plan with three apses from the altar side. In 2017, the renovation of the temple building and its surroundings began at the initiative of the Lublin-based Dialog Foundation. During the dendrological stocktaking process of the area around the church, the studies conducted with the help of specialized diagnostic equipment in the form of Picus 3 Sonic Tomograph were particularly important. The tests will allow for early diagnosis and selection of the best course of action in view to increasing the safety of users and preserving the historic substance of the site. Within the area of the estate there are 20 trees growing, differing in their age and health condition, with a quantitative advantage of common chestnut trees, planted without proper compositional arrangement or sacred symbolic. The management plan of the tree envisages the removal of 8 trees for sanitary reasons, whereas the corrective and sanitary cutting of branches should be applied to all the other trees. On the basis of the collected material, the options and possible directions for the improvement of the orthodox church’s surroundings were presented.
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