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The fourth issue, No. 4/1

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Fenazi Bilal mail, Boucenna Fatih, Zeddouri Aziez

Surface water and groundwater quality assessment using the WQI method and human health risk assessment (HHR) in the lower seybouse (Annaba Plain), northeast Algeria

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This study was carried out to investigate the current status of surface water and groundwater quality in Lower Seybouse and Annaba Plain, NE Algeria. 36 surface water and groundwater samples were collected in this area, and various physicochemical parameters were analysed. The quality of surface water and groundwater for drinking and the associated health risks were assessed using a Water Quality Index (WQI) and a Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) model. The results show that all samples are alkaline with the EC values ranging from 1139 to 5555 μS/cm. The ionic dominance pattern was in the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ for cations and Cl– > HCO3– > SO42 – > NO3– for anions, respectively. The dominant water types are SO4-Cl-Ca-Mg and SO4-Cl-Na, formed by dissolution of evaporative and carbonate-rich material. All samples are unsuitable for drinking, with 1 sample classified as poor (rank = 4) and 35 samples as extremely poor (rank = 5). These samples are mainly located near the Seybouse Wadi, which is a natural outlet for wastewater from human activities. The assessment of non-carcinogenic risk showed that the Hazard Index (HI) for males ranged from 0.12 to 1.01 with a mean of 0.30 and only one sample exceeded value 1. For females, the HI was between 0.16 and 1.28 for females, with a mean of 0.39. The risk for children was even higher, ranging from 0.41 to 3.28, with a mean of 1.03, suggesting that children are more vulnerable to water contamination. The Carcinogenic Risk (CR) values for Pb ranged from 10–3 to 8.6 · 10–3, with a mean of 2.6 · 10–3 for males, and between 1.4 · 10–3 to 10–2, with a mean of 3.3 · 10–3 for females, while for children the CR values ranged from 3.5 · 10–3 to 2.7 · 10–3, with a mean of 8.4 · 10–3, indicating that no possible CR from water drinking.

Keywords: WQI • HHRA • non-carcinogenic • HI • carcinogenic • Lower Seybouse


Ahmed Akakba mail , Belkacem Lahmar

Using GIS to detect spatial inequality in primary schools in Ain Touta

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The economic and social changes in Algerian society at the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s had a radical impact on the urban and regional dynamics and on population growth (besides rural migration) in the regional and urban networks, including cities like Ain Touta, which is considered the most prominent urban agglomeration in the region. Ain Touta was unable to keep up with development challenges, which has led to a deterioration of its education system and other public services. Moreover, the decision-makers of none of these sectors use modern technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS), spatial decision support systems (SDSS), smart cities, and E-government, which would enable them understanding the current issues from a geographical perspective, especially through measuring spatial inequality access to education services.
This paper uses a GIS approach to identify spatial inequality in primary schools and measure the distribution pattern using the nearest neighbour average method, vector distribution, hotspot, and service area analyses. These analyses can be help creating a functional access and disability map to improve the local school map.
The results obtained confirm the basic hypothesis, as it was found that the northern area of the city, which is the area were the immigrant population resides, is the least accessible to educational institutions. In consequence, other parts of the city have to bear the burden of supporting the northern area, and thus themselves become under-resourced.

Keywords: primary school • distribution pattern • GIS • inequality • accessibility • school map


Rania Boudjellal mail, Chemseddine Fehdi, Fethi Baali

Geospatial modeling for enhanced landslide susceptibility mapping in atlas mountains of the northeast of Algeria

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This study presents a practical geospatial approach, based on geomatic principles, to create landslide susceptibility maps that meet contemporary landscape and land management priorities. By employing a GIS-based statistical modeling, our methodology seamlessly integrates a wide range of factors including topography, lithology, land use, and precipitation. This comprehensive approach allows for a holistic evaluation of landslide susceptibility. We use two widely recognized multi-criteria techniques, namely the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Fuzzy Logic Ratio (FR), which in result produce two distinct yet complementary landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs). The creation of these LSMs relies on a carefully curated dataset of landslides, collected through rigorous analysis of high-resolution satellite imagery, interpretation of aerial photographs, and extensive fieldwork. Eleven key factors are selected to inform the modeling process. To assess the accuracy of the LSMs, we employ ROC curves, with the FR method demonstrating superior predictive performance, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 75% compared to the AHP model's 65%. These findings highlight the effectiveness of our approach in identifying high landslide susceptibility areas, providing valuable insights for informed land use planning, hazard mitigation strategies, and rapid emergency response measures. The GIS-based statistical modeling technique showcased in this research provides a robust framework for generating precise landslide susceptibility maps in complex mountainous landscapes. This research makes a significant contribution to the evolving field of geomatics, enhancing landscape resilience and promoting sustainable land management practices.

Keywords: geospatial approach • landslide susceptibility maps • GIS-based modeling • multi-criteria analysis • landscape resilience


Szczepan Budkowski mail , Lubica Hudecova , Barbora Bujňáková, Agata Basak

Selected legal aspects of the 3D cadastre – a comparative study of Poland and Slovakia

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The real estate cadastre, understood as a public register and a legal institution, has since ancient times guaranteed legal certainty in property transactions and the implementation of fiscal objectives related to the collection of taxes. Over time, new tasks have been assigned to the cadastre. Reports published by international organizations such as the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and the United Nations (UN) have revealed the shortcomings of existing legal systems in the management of land administration rights, restrictions and obligations. In this context, to the paper presents a polemic on the possibility of implementing a multidimensional cadastre in Poland and Slovakia. The most important milestones in the evolution of the land administration system in both countries were reviewed and the possibility of implementing layer ownership was discussed.
The aim of this publication is to conduct a comparative study with a view on research on the applicable legal regulations in the context of the possibility and legitimacy of the implementation of the multidimensional cadastre in both countries. The research method used is a case study. It was supported by an analysis of legislation in the above-mentioned scope and a field interview. The research carried out as part of the comparative study clearly indicates the legitimacy of introducing the registration of layer ownership. The type of legal systems in Poland and Slovakia will have a significant impact on the degree of complexity of the multidimensional cadastre implementation process.

Keywords: land and building register • 3D cadastre • ownership • spatial plot


Anna Przewięźlikowska mail , Anna Trembecka

Analysis of the processes leading to the expansion of the municipal real estate stock under Polish conditions, based on a selected example

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One of the most important issues of local government is a proper management of the property stock. This process also includes the acquisition of real estate. The subject of this article is an analysis of the processes leading to the expansion of the municipal real estate stock on the example of a case study based on data from the city of Krakow. The purpose of the study to analyse of the measures applied to acquire real estate for the municipality, using a selected area as an example, to indicate the range of properties acquired through the various modes, and to present the current structure of land owned by the municipality, taking into account the impact of real estate acquisition processes. As a result of the analyses, the processes that result in the expansion of land and the extent to which they affect the municipal property stock were identified in relation to the current land structure of the Municipality. The results of the research confirm that the municipal real estate stock has been most affected by the municipalisation process. Other forms of acquisition, including those under civil law, despite their smaller scale, are nevertheless important for the implementation of the local government tasks and result in the regularisation of the legal status of municipal real estate.

Keywords: real estate resource • municipality • real estate acquisition • real estate regularisation


Larbi Khaber mail, Karim Zighmi, Riheb Hadji

A mathematical approach to calculating slope stability under physical triggering forces. Application to landscape mechanics

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In the field of land management, the limit equilibrium calculation method is a mathematical method that harmonizes the complex interplay of diverse factors determining the slope stability. Rooted in mechanical and mathematical principles, this method has paramount significance for guiding the course of safe land management in mountainous regions, especially in the case of infrastructure development projects. Conventional limit equilibrium techniques, while providing preliminary stability assessments, often neglect key factors that can trigger slope failure. These approaches traditionally ignore the spatial variations in soil properties, the temporal dynamics of phenomena, the kinetic responses to external loads, the complexities of geological formations, and the influences of the hydrological and climatic conditions on slope stability. Our innovative method adopts an enriched mathematical framework that redefines the landscape of force equilibrium techniques. We meticulously tailor this framework by adapting the foundational relationships derived from the Mohr-Coulomb shear strength criterion to accommodate the spatially variable geomechanical parameters. This adaptation allows us to capture the nuanced shifts in mechanical properties over the extent of the slope. Furthermore, we introduce supplementary equations that seamlessly integrate the influences of traffic-induced loads and hydraulic pressures, while also statistically quantifying the contributions of stabilizing structures. To determine the efficacy of this geomatic and landscape-centric numerical tool, we have subjected it to rigorous testing on a test slope. The outcomes derived from our mathematical model reveal the primacy of traffic-related forces as the main destabilizing agents, contrasted with the strengthening effects of reinforcements in maintaining slope stability.

Keywords: limit equilibrium ealculation • slope stability analysis • mathematical framework • geomechanical properties • infrastructure development


Izabela Piech mail , Marcin Szpot

Detection of urban and spatial changes in a selected area of Krakow on the basis of photogrammetric data

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This paper presents the process of detecting urban and spatial changes on the basis of photogrammetric data. The studied object was a fragment of the city of Krakow covering parts of the districts of Bronowice, Krowodrza and Prądnik Biały. The following photogrammetric data were used to perform the research: orthophotomaps of a fragment of the city of Krakow from 2009 and 2021; LIDAR data for the same area from 2017 available on the national geoportal. Based on manual classification done by vectorisation of the orthophotomap in the QGIS programme, the changes in the developed fragment of the city were detected. Meanwhile, based on the classified LIDAR data from aerial scanning, a digital elevation model DEM was generated, which was used to briefly characterise the elevation of the study area. The process of classifying the land cover elements together with an analysis of the urban and spatial changes in the study area is described in this publication.

Keywords: orthophotomap • LIDAR • urban and spatial changes • photogrammetric data


Maria Makuch mail

Detection of rising damp and material changes on hyperboloid cooling tower shells based on the intensity of the reflected laser beam

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Using a hyperboloidal cooling tower undergoing repair as an example, the paper examines the possibility of using a laser beam reflectance intensity value for the automated detection of perforations in cooling tower shells and the identification of material changes characteristic of the renovated sections of reinforced concrete structures. Due to the specific geometry of the analysed object, the practical application of the value of the fourth coordinate was preceded by its a priori modification. The applied correction solution made it possible to effectively eliminate the influence of the measurement geometry, adjusting the intensity values to correspond to the properties of the scanned surface. In the usability analyses of the corrected radiometric data, the author’s approach to eliminating information loss was applied, assuming the use of the fourth coordinate values as scalar fields. The proposed methodology was verified by comparing the obtained results with those of the commonly used unsupervised classification. The agreement, based on the similarity of the structures, between the results of the image classification and the areas extracted through the segmentation of the scalar fields, representing the corrected values of the laser beam reflectance intensity, confirmed the reliability of the proposed solutions. The usefulness of the radiometric data in 3D space was confirmed by comparing the obtained results with the analyses of the local surface curvature determined by the point cloud based on principal component analysis. Thanks to the segmentation of the scalar fields, the detection of rising damp and corrosion leaks, consistent with the results of the surface condition assessment based on the local curvature analysis, made it possible to specify the degree of degradation of the hyperboloid shell according to a seven-point scale that is consistent with the industry requirements. The values of the fourth coordinate also allowed the identification of material changes caused by the repair, and their comparison with the shell damage contours extracted from the local curvature analysis made it possible to verify the amount of repair mortar used and to assess the validity of the work carried out.

Keywords: intensity • point cloud • unsupervised classification • terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) • non-destructive testing (NDT) • intensity correction


Magdalena Jurkiewicz mail

Legal aspects in determining the spatial extent of the real estate

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Spatial boundaries of real estate are a very important issue in the context of the discussions on the multidimensional cadastre. The precise determination of the extent of property rights in 3D space is driven by the dynamic development of urban planning, architecture and construction. It is becoming more and more popular to design modern buildings above or below other structures or the ground. The reason for such solutions is often limited land resources, especially in highly urbanised areas.
Currently, Polish law defines in detail the procedures for demarcating property boundaries exclusively on the ground, i.e. in 2D. Both the definitions of the boundaries, the limit points, and the methods of their designation in various modes, which enable the boundaries to be determined according to the legal status, are specified. The rules for determining the extent of ownership and other property rights are currently set out in the Polish legislation in the rank of acts and regulations. They follow the Roman principle of superficies solo cedit, which means that what is on the surface belongs to the land. The intention for the implementation of the 3D cadastre is to move away from this principle. The purpose of this paper is to examine the guidelines concerning the spatial (3D) extent of ownership and other property rights contained in the Polish legislation in force at present. The aim of the publication is to answer the question of whether there are any specific indications of the extent of ownership above and below the ground regulated by special regulations.

Keywords: real property • spatial extent of real property • 3D real property • 3D cadastre


Robert Szewczyk mail , Paweł Hanus

NFC technology for precise localization in areas with limited global navigation satellite system signal

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The emergence of modern technologies and widespread access to the Internet has led to an increase in interest in mapping websites. The data provided by online mapping geoportals is a rich source of information for society. Today, thanks to these geoportals, the location of objects in the field is widely available. This approach makes it possible to locate objects that are not visible in the field, such as underground electrical cables, underground water lines, or property boundaries.
The technology used for object localization is GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). GNSS technology is based on the transmission of signals from satellites. However, this technology is limited in areas where satellite signals are restricted, such as high-rise buildings in city centers, dense forests, or tunnels. NFC technology is becoming increasingly available thanks to mobile phones that are equipped with NFC tags. This technology is widely used for payments via a mobile phone.
This article presents a method of using the near-field communication (NFC) for easy positioning of infrastructure objects in a given area. This technology is particularly useful in areas with limited GNSS signals, such as urbanized, forested, or mountainous areas.

Keywords: GPS • GNSS • precise positioning • geodetic mark • plot boundaries • NFC technology


Przemysław Klapa mail , Bartosz Mitka , Andrzej Żygadło, Maciej Małek, Aleksandra Podżorska

Inventory of historical polychrome using photogrammetric methods

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The inventory of a historic monument is carried out to create documentation that provides information on the up-to-date condition of the object. Preserving its original form and materials requires a minimally invasive approach to data acquisition. The implemented research project included an analysis of the possibilities of using photogrammetric methods in the inventory of wall paintings in the historic wooden Greek-Catholic Church of the Protection of the Holy Mother God in Miękisz Stary (Jarosław County, Podkarpackie Voivodeship). The research object is a wooden church from the 17th century with a three-part layout – sanctuary, nave, gallery – and a wide nave in an almost square plan. Inside, the walls and ceilings are decorated by numerous polychromes. Unmanned aerial vehicles (DJI Phantom 4 Pro) and a photographic camera (Canon EOS 1200D) were used for photogrammetric measurements of the polychromes. The results of the photogrammetric measurements were digital photos, which were used for photogrammetric processing. The photographic work involved generating high-resolution images in the Agisoft Metashape Professional software. A point cloud obtained from terrestrial laser scanning was used to render the geometry in the process of creating orthophotoplans. The results of photogrammetric work are orthophotoplans of polychromes with high resolutions. Two orthophotoplans of wall paintings were generated based on drone photos, while ceiling paintings and one of the walls were generated based on high-resolution photos taken with the Canon EOS 1200D camera. The obtained results demonstrated that measurements made using UAVs and digital photos processed with photogrammetric methods enable a comprehensive inventory of wall paintings for historic objects.

Keywords: inventory of historic buildings • polychrome • photogrammetry • orthophotoplan • UAV


Katarzyna Hodor mail, Tomasz Jaróg

Contemporary spatial problems of campus spaces and the methods and potential of their activation: based on the case of the Cracow University of technology Czyżyny Campus

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As an academic city, Krakow has twenty-three tertiary education institutions located in different districts. The number of students living in Krakow can reach up to 130,000. Both of these statistics have varied over time, and the attempts to manage them in the past century do not meet current standards and cannot face upcoming challenges. The relationships with the external urban environment and other structures of the city are problematic since the areas between buildings are often neglected. There is an expectation that the universities will take the lead in formulating proposals for adaptation to climate change and at the same time will meet new social demands of the academic community. This paper presents a general overview of problems faced by university campuses on the example of the Czyżyny campus of the Cracow University of Technology. Using analytical methods associated with field research, the problems were identified and the potential of this area was outlined. Possible uses of the area were also proposed, based on the opportunities offered by the local heritage. Natural, social, and cultural aspects were considered. The analysis presented can be seen as a preliminary discussion of the potential of the areas directly adjacent to universities that set trends in proposed transitions, in accordance with, among others, the Green Deal. As well as seeking new solutions that combine strategic objectives, these areas are important from an educational point of view as they raise the environmental awareness of communities and younger generations, such as the students. Grassroots action that brings about real change is becoming increasingly urgent as it opens up the potential to harness the relationships between the city and campus, increasing their relevance as activation areas.

Keywords: climate change • campus • university • ecocampus • sustainable university campus


Akram Soltani, Larbi Djabri, Chemseddine Fehdi, Hamza Bouguerra mail, Tachi Salah Eddine, Younes Hamed

Hydrochemical and isotopic methods of identifying the impact of irrigation on the quality of groundwater: a case study from the guelma-bouchegouf region, ne Algeria

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The Guelma-Bouchegouf irrigated perimeter uses water from the Bouhamdane dam between May and the end of October. It should be noted that the water is channelled to the perimeter via Seybouse Wadi, which serves as a water collector. The water is supplied during the dry season, which causes water pollution due to strong evaporation and industrial discharges. Moreover, during the summer period irrigation increases since the crops grown are industrial tomatoes, melon, watermelon and beans, requiring intense and sustained watering. The measurement of the conductivity of the water flow shows a clear increase from 3000 μs/cm to 6000 μs/cm. This increase is connected to interactions between water and rock, compounded by the adverse impact of climate change. It should be noted that during this period the average temperature is 26°C and sometimes temperature values exceeding 40°C are recorded. In addition, industrial discharges into the Seybouse Wadi occur without pre-treatment, leading to water pollution by heavy metals. The results of the analyzes of the Seybouse Wadi waters show the presence of pollutants such as iron, manganese, zinc, copper and nutrients in the upstream zone (Guelma region). In the downstream area (Annaba) we notice the presence of pollutants such as chromium, lithium, iron, manganese and nutrients.

Keywords: irrigated perimeter • pollution • heavy metals • isotopes • Seybouse Wadi
