The second issue, No. 2
Andriy Babushka, Khrystyna Burshtynska, Yuliya Denys
Classification of forests in the Precarpathian region using QuickBird-2 high resolution satellite image
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.7
Stanisław Bacior, Jacek Gniadek, Izabela Piech, Joanna Stachowicz
Cycle paths design based on aerial laser scan data
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.21
Henryk Bryś, Marek Woźniak
Autonomous monitoring system of girders’ deflection in large hall Buildings
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.37
Katarzyna Cegielska, Dawid Kudas, Renata Różycka-Czas, Tomasz Salata, Marta Szylar
The analysis of Land Cover macrostructure in the suburban area of Krakow
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.47
Ewa Głowienka, Beata Hejmanowska, Krystyna Michałowska, Agnieszka Pękala
Analysis of multitemporal changes in the environment using GIS and remote sensing in the aspect of construcion projects
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.61
Bianka Godlewska-Dzioboń, Robert Wojciech Włodarczyk
The effect of changes in the socio-economic development of the Podhale region
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.71
Marcin Jakimiak, Przemysław Leń
Analysis of impact of new road projects on creating areas excuded from agricultural production
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.83
Karol Król, Barbara Prus
Monitoring the use of the internet application for Tomice municipality local plan of spatial development
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.91
Agnieszka Paciorek, Wojciech Wilkowski
Principles of land value estimation in Consolidation proceedings in Poland
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.99
Magda Pluta, Thomas Kringlebotn Thiis
Assessment of the influence of atmospheric intensity on the wooden façade of the building by visualization method
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.115
Elżbieta Szafranko
Evaluation of local and supralocal roles of parks in the urban spatial setting: a case study of central park in Olsztyn
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.123
Małgorzata Zofia Wilczkiewicz
FreshKills park (Staten Island, NY) as an example of a polluted area’s transformation into a public space
DOI: 10.15576/GLL/2017.2.133